The COEP research team have prepared a number of resources to assist you in promoting this survey. As an open project, we rely on our community for help in promoting the survey.

Suggestions to promote the survey

Examples for promoting the survey are provided below.

Suggestions for everyone

  • Sharing information about the survey via your own social media channels – we have image cards you can download and share with your posts and mentions. Use the #NZtextbooks hashtag.
  • Sending an email to groups and individuals who may be interested in completing the short survey. We have example text copy you can use for your email (see below).
  • Sharing creative ideas on how to promote the survey – use the #NZtextbooks hashtag to share the gift of knowledge.

Suggestions for students

  • Students’ associations and unions distributing information about the survey among members via email and social media – reducing the costs of study materials will help everyone.
  • Students’ social media groups, for instance a class Facebook group.

Suggestions for institutions and staff

  • Institutions promoting the survey via on-campus student screens / TV – we have image slides you can download for this purpose.
  • Lecturers sharing the link with your students.
  • Librarians sharing the link with your students – open access to knowledge is in your DNA.
  • Individuals printing a copy of the A4 poster for notice boards (see below) – we have a handy QR code for quick access to the survey.

Resources for download

Image of credit cards in back pocket to promote survey on textbook costWe have prepared a poster and image cards you can use with social media posts. These are available for free download and use to promote the survey.

Sample text for reuse